Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Emmas surgery

I'm sure the title of this post causes you to immediately bypass the other posts and come straight to this to see what is happening with our sweet little Emma!!
A few months ago we brought her to see our very nice dentist and Emily decided that that was the time to become a grouchy bear (yes, it does happen...). So, the nice dentist lady suggested that the work Em needs done can just as easily be done as dental surgery at the fancy new Abbotsford Hospital. So, the three of us, spent a good part of 6 hours at the hospital getting Ems toothwork done. It went very well, although I think Emily still thinks we tricked her into doing it. The hospital was a great place to visit, with popsicles, little fun toilets, nice green dresses, videos, mom and dad hangin' out all day reading to her... then... WHAMMMOOO, she wakes up with pain and screaming!!
It was short lived, she ate a popsicle and then we all went home, Emily with one less tooth!

1 comment:

  1. Not to mention how FANTASTIC Jenn looks in scrub wear. (Lulu Lemon is going to start carrying a scrub line due to the extreme sexiness of this picture).
