Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hiking in the Rain

We hiked in the rain, AND this time Ethan came along! John White from our church put together this Life Group (Small group) specifically geared towards outdoorsy people. Jenn and I decided to check it out today. They were headed to Lindeman Lake which is near Chilliwack Lake. Its only 1.7 kilometers off the main road, but its 215 meters higher than the road. Thats A LOTTTT of steep uphill climbing!
Here is a picture of our 12 hikers at the far end of Lindemann, what a great bunch of smiles!
THIS picture is the main reason why we hike, how beautiful is that! Our Creator has done such an amazing thing by surrounding us with views like this. I feel so small when I get off the beaten path. Yet I know we are significant to our God, He loves us!!

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